Statistics and Reports
This section of the Knowledge Base contains the most common use cases and troubleshoots for questions related to Statistics and Reports.
- Archive Management
- Call legs: how are they connected in the Orig-Term report?
- Why it is impossible to use Code and Code Name filters in Dashboard section?
- Why are there differences between reports?
- How to compare report parameters over the periods?
- How to create a statistic chart?
- How to do one-day statistics re-parsing
- How to do rerating?
- N/A rate/code in reports
- Why there are no active sessions?
- What to do if there is no new statistics?
- Why new xDRs are not generated?
- Why there is no Orig-Term Report?
- Why Dashboard doesn't show statistics?
- What does it mean when client or destination is "unknown" in reports?
- Why there are wrong cyrillic symbols in exported Excel files?