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Version: 3.26

Summary Report

Section overview​

This section is designed to help users create a report that would contain summary information regarding all existing services from the perspective of both origination and termination sides. Not only can it provide a general overview of total services cost and billed volumes of service units, but it can be customized to outline even more detailed information regarding different Client types, ASR / ACD Current, etc.

summary report

Creating a new Summary Report​

To create a new Summary Report, you need to fill in the following parameters in the form and click the "Query" button:


On the Filters menu, select the required parameters for the report. To cancel any filter, click the delete icon next to the filter.

You can start a quick search by typing filters' names in the field at the top of a drop-down menu with filters.

  • Interval: Specify the time interval for the report and a timezone. Please note that the Interval field is mandatory.

  • Compare to: Accessible when you click on the plus icon next to the Interval. Specify the second interval for the report:

    • Previous Interval
    • Previous Day
    • Previous Week
    • Previous Month
    • Previous Year
  • Group by: Select from the list of the following accessible options to group the data in reports:

    • Time: Year, Month, Day, Hour
    • Clients: Company, Legal Entity, Owner User, Client, Client Type, Account, Package
    • Events: Dst Code, Dst Code Name, Dst Country, Currency, Origin, Service, Result Code, Gateway, Gateway Tag
    • Extras: Time Profile, Setup Fee, Rate, Additive Rate.
  • The Group by field is mandatory, it couldn't be empty in order to generate the report. By default, there must be at least two options: Origin and Service.
  • If you group by Client and their Timezone differs from the system Timezone, the latter will be used in the respective report.
  • When you are grouping by year, it is recommended to indicate the calendar year in the period. The same goes for other period types.
Additional Filters​

The accessible additional filters are:

  • Clients: Company, Legal Entity, Owner User, Client, Client Tags, Client Type, Account, Account Tags, Package
  • Events: Origin, Dst Code, Dst Code Name, Dst Code Country, Src Code, Src Code Name, Src Code Country, Rate (avg), Result Code, Gateway, Gateway Tag, Time Profile, Service
  • Statistics: ASR Std, ASR Current, ACD Std, ACD Current, PDD (avg), SCD (avg)
  • Totals: Volume Total, Volume Billed, Package Volume, Cost, Package Credit, Setup Fee Cost, Additive Cost, Taxes Total, Total Records, Non Zero Records, Success Records, Busy Records, No Channel Records, Error Records
  • Extras: Match Client, Match Rate


This section contains settings of the report output data.

Click the plus icon next to Columns and select the required columns to add them to the Output information block. Also, you can cancel any chosen item.

Available columns in the report​

The list of additional columns include:

  • Columns for the main interval: Cost Total, Setup Fee Cost, Average Rate, Package Credit, Total Volume, Billed Volume, Package Volume, Total Events, Not Zero, Success, Busy, No Channel, Error, ASR Std, ASR Cur, ACD Srd, ACD Cur, PDD Avg, SCD Avg, xDRs List, Taxes Total, Additive Cost.

  • Columns for the comparative interval are the same as for the main period. Moreover, all parameters could be selected expressed in percentage.

  • Rate: Avg. Rate - an average cost calculated

  • Totals:

    • Cost Total - the full price of all services including additional services
    • Total Volume - a whole volume of the events in units (specified in the Services settings β†’ "Reports" field)
    • Billed Volume - a whole billed volume of events. It could differ from the total volume due to the rates settings, for example, grace volume, min volume, and interval
    • Package Volume - a volume within a respective package that is billed according to the package limits
    • Package Credit - a volume of credit that has been charged within the respective package
    • Total Events - the entire quantity of events
    • Not Zero Records - the number of records that have the volume equal to or more than 1
    • Success Records - the number of records that have a duration equal to or more than 1 and a successful end code, records with Q.931 disconnect cause 16 or 31
    • Busy Records - busy records quantity with Q.931 disconnect cause 17
    • No Channel Records - no circuit/channel available, records quantity with Q.931 disconnect cause 34
  • Statistics:

  1. ASR - average success rate (successful records percentage)

    • Std - the value calculated based on the records with "success" status divided by the total number of records minus all records with β€œno channel available” status
    • Cur - the value calculated based on the records with volume > 0 divided by the total number of records
  2. ACD - average call duration in minutes:

    • Std - the sum of all records duration divided by the number of records with "success" status
    • Cur - the sum of all records duration divided by the number of records with duration > 0
  3. PDD Avg - average post-dial delay in seconds

  4. SCD Avg - average session connect delay in seconds

  5. xDRs List - list of detailed records statistics

Other output settings​
  • Order by: Select parameters to sort already grouped data in columns. Here you can sort data from highest to lowest values (or vice versa) and select different values.

  • Type: Choose a format of the report from a drop-down list: Web/CSV/Excel XLS/Excel XLSx Also, select a look of a table view next to the Type field:

    • Plain with total - a simple table view with an additional row with calculated totals
    • Plain - a simple table view
    • Grouped - a table view with grouped data and possibility to collapse it

    Please note that the Grouped type of a table view is available only for Excel XLSx and Web formats, it doesn't work with CSV and Excel XLS.

  • Limit: Determine the number of rows that will be visible in the report. It is useful for displaying some top positions by the chosen parameter. It is available only for the Plain report type.

  • Send to: You can send generated reports via email. Also, it is possible to specify several emails.


    This feature is available only for CSV/Excel XLS/Excel XLSx formats of the report; it doesn't work with Web.

  • Currency: Specify a currency of the report. All values will be automatically converted to the specified currency in the report.

  • Code Deck: Select a code deck from a drop-down list. All codes in the following report will be presented according to the specified code deck.

The example of a generated summary report is presented on a screenshot below:

summary report output

If the data in the report is grouped, it will be shown initially collapsed. To expand or collapse data in your report, click the plus or minus icons. To expand all data in the report, please click Ctrl + the plus icon.


Please note, the system shows rounded values in the reports. But while calculating, the system takes an exact value. Hence, the procedure of the rounding is as follows:

  • the system rounds currency values according to the settings of a respective currency
  • all types of events (e.g., not zero, success, busy, as well as total quantity) are not rounded
  • such parameters as Setup Fee Cost, Package Credit, Average Rate, Cost Total are rounded to the nearest ten-thousandth. For example, 3.879256 to 3.8793
  • others are rounded to the nearest hundredth. For example, 4.8763 to 4.88

Simple scheme: how to generate a summary report​

To create a simple summary report, you need to:

  • Select desired parameters for the report on the Filters menu
  • Enter the interval and specify a timezone
  • Select parameters in the Group by field, for example, Currency, Origin, etc.
  • Select Columns in the Output form, for example, Average Rate, ASR Std, ASR Cur, ACD Std, ACD Cur, Total Records, etc.
  • Specify the Type field or leave its default settings (Web/Grouped)
  • Specify the currency and select a code deck (if applicable).
  • Click the "Query" button.
  • If you want to sort already grouped data in columns, select respective parameters in the Order by field. Also, you can sort from highest to lowest values (or vice versa).
  • Please note, the Order by option is active when the Type of the Output form is Plain. When it is Grouped, the data is only sorted by values specified in the Group by field.

Creating a Query Template​

Also, you can create a template for reports and save specified parameters by clicking on the "Save Query" button. A pop-up window with settings will appear, and you will need to fill in the following form.

save query

To load already existed templates while generating statistic reports, click the "Load Query" button in the Summary Report section.


To find more details about templates, please refer to the Report Queries article in our User Guide.

Summary Report buttons: reports, export, chart.​

You can export data to a CSV or XLSx file, which contains only currently displayed data, with no automatic request to update data while exporting. Also, it is possible to create charts for illustrating crucial information easily. You can generate a report using the same criteria in the Orig-Term report and the xDRs list sections.

  1. To expand/collapse all the data for the Grouped output, click on the plus icon above the report.
  2. To download a report in .csv, click on the Export to CSV export button above the report.

Please note, this button will be visible only when the Type of the output is Plain. For the Grouped output type it is not available.

  1. To download a .xlsx file, click on the Export to XLSx export xls button above the report.
  2. To create a visual chart, click on the Show Chart charts button above the report. There is more information available on this topic in the article How to create a statistic chart? in our Knowledge Base.
  3. You can generate a detailed report using the same criteria in the xDRs List section by clicking the xDRs List xdrs list icon above the report.

When you make a report based on two intervals, two xDRs list xdrs list icons appear:

  • the first xDRs list xdrs list icon allows generating an xDRs report based on the first interval;
  • the second xDRs list xdrs list icon allows generating data based on the second interval in the xDRs list.

When you make a report and filter data by Client/Client Tags/Account/Code/Code Name/Owner parameters, two Orig-Term icons orig-term appear. They allow generating reports with origination and termination data separately.

  • this Orig-Term icon orig-term allows generating a report based on origination data;
  • this Orig-Term icon orig-term allows generating a report based on termination data.
  1. It is possible to generate a report using the same criteria in the Orig-Term section by clicking the Orig-Term orig-term icon on the toolbar.
  2. You can check an actual date interval by clicking on the Info info icon. The displayed data could be different from the Interval specified above if there is no data for the period.

summary report output

Side-by-side report​

This tool allows building a report with side-by-side sub-reports. Use it to run a comparative analysis on the same page. It's helpful for reviewing multiple parameters, totals, and compare results at different time intervals. The Compare to option is designed to create a report that shows two sub-reports side-by-side. You can view more info about it in the article How to compare report parameters over the periods?.

To enable this option, click on the plus icon next to the Interval field and specify both intervals for the report.

summary report add interval

Then choose columns for a main and comparative period in the report Output form. When all required parameters are specified, click the "Query" button.

To remove this filter, please click the delete icon.

You can modify a comparative mode by changing periods and columns. For example, to compare how different the cost total of the two periods is in percentage terms. To do this, choose the Cost Total (%) value from the Columns. Therefore, the final report splits Cost Total (%) into separate columns (see screenshot below).

summary report columns

How does the Compare Period work?
Example 1:​

If you select the Interval to be Today 00:00:00 til 23:59:59, the Previous Interval and Previous Day values would be the same and show yesterday. The Previous Week option would display the same day last week (i.e., Monday for Monday), the Previous Month option would show the same date last month, and the Previous Year will display the same date last year.

Example 2:​

If you select the Interval to be This Week, the system will take the period starting Monday 00:00:00 and up to 23:59:59 on the current day. That is if your current day is Thursday, This Week would be Monday to Thursday. The comparative periods will work accordingly, selecting the same periods from the past week, month, year. Only the Previous Day option will result in offsetting a period one day behind (if a period is Monday to Thursday, comparative would be Sunday to Wednesday).


When you use the Compare to option in the Summary Report and Orig-Term Report sections, default chart templates will not be accessible.

Sharing a report​

Each time you get a report output, the system generates a unique link in the format of /view?id=<uniq-string>. It allows sharing data between the users, even if they belong to different resellers (the feature works similarly to Share by Link in Google Drive).

The link refers to the report data valid for a specific moment.


When you send a link to a report, you ensure the recipient would see the same data as you do. If you change data in the system (for example, perform rerating), the previously copied link to the report will display data valid for the moment of generation (even though the actual data is now different).

You can also view the additional information about the generated report by hovering over the Info icon, which is located under the Output section:

Data IntervalStates the period set for a report
Data Interval 2States the period set for a Compare Mode
Generated byIndicates the Role of the user who generated a report and specifies a generation time
DurationTime spent to generate a report

summary report info