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Version: 3.26

Backup Settings

Backup settings are presented with the following fields:

Backup Settings window

System Backup PeriodThe field value specifies when the system should backup itself (for example, if you enter 24 as a value, it will mean that the system will backup itself every 24 hours)
Destination for Backup PackagesAbsolute path to the folder where the system backup copies will be stored. This folder shouldn't be within any system folder!
Include into backupSpecify components of the system which should be included into backup
Disk usage thresholdThe percentage value of the disk space that backup needs free for correct work
Leave last X PackagesThis Parameter specifies how many backup copies will be stored at one given time (for example, if you enter 3 as a value, only three copies will be stored. When the fourth copy is added, the oldest one will be deleted)
Number of Backup Manager workersSpecify the number of system managers that run a database backup

The backup will not be created if the disk size is not enough.