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Version: 3.26

Payment Accounts

Section overview​

This section allows you to create different payment accounts for correct and precise transactions (payments) management. For example, you can have a "Bank Transfer" and "Credit Card" payment accounts, and, while applying respective payments, you will be able to define payment origin by selecting a corresponding payment account. The section is presented in the form of a list:

Payment Accounts section

IDPayment account's identification number
NameAccount's name
ResellerName of the reseller a new payment account will be attached to
Sort OrderOrder of the entity in the list

Functional buttons/icons presented in the section are as follows:

add newAllows to create a new payment account
deleteAllows deleting a payment account from the system. Requires confirmation

Please note that the user cannot edit or delete the "General" payment account with ID = 1.

Adding a new Payment Account​

To create a new payment account:

  • Click the New Payment Account button
  • Specify an account name in the Name field and a Reseller from a drop-down list of all registered resellers.
  • Click "OK".

A new account will be added to the list and will become available in the Transactions section.

Payment Account creation form