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  • Authorization via RADIUS requires additional scripting at the Asterisk side that is not a part of the original package.
  • External routing via RADIUS uses "JeraSoft Billing Common" collector.

xDR files​

In order to configure CDR files integration at the Asterisk side you need to:

  1. Copy an file from /opt/jerasoft/vcs/docs/examples/convertors/ folder on the JeraSoft Billing server into /usr/bin/ folder on the Asterisk server.
  2. Add this script to /etc/crontab for an hourly execution (e.g. 0 * * * * root /usr/bin/
  3. Check that /etc/asterisk/cdr.conf file on the Asterisk server has following settings:
    usegmtime=yes ; log date/time in GMT. Default is "no"
    loguniqueid=yes ; log uniqueid. Default is "no"
    loguserfield=yes ; log user field. Default is "no"


Native support of the RADIUS features in the Asterisk is limited to the accounting. It is available using default settings on both Asterisk and JeraSoft sides (check RADIUS integration).

Due to the highly customizable nature of the Asterisk, all other RADIUS features like authorization and authentication can be supplied only by custom-tailored RADIUS modules for Asterisk, which are out of scope of this documentation.