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Aloe MVTS Pro

xDR files​


Please use Files Collector "Aloe MVTS Pro v>=1.8.1-40f" for MVTS Pro v.1.8.1-40f (or newer).

Make sure that /var/cdrs/ directory is created with 02775 permissions on the MVTS Pro server, or create it by using command:

mkdir -p /var/cdrs
chmod 02775 /var/cdrs

Go to the "xDRs → Export xDRs → Scheduled Export" section and set all parameters according to screenshot:

Export xDRs settings

Please pay attention to the following fields:

Export PeriodSet desirable xDR creation period
TimezoneSet this value to UTC
Export FieldsSelect all available fields (should be on the right)
Save toSelect "file system locally" and set directory to /var/cdrs/
Export FormatSelect "MVTS 1 format"
DelimiterSet to , (comma) delimiter
Show Call Duration inSet to "Seconds" (without any rounding options)

When configuring xDR-files collector in the JeraSoft Billing, you need to set Overwrite TZ option to the actual timezone of your choice (for example, UTC) to prevent differences in the call times since MVTS Pro does not write timezone to the CDR files.


Please note that described integration includes RADIUS authentication, authorization, accounting, and external routing features. You may enable only the parts applicable to your case if you do not want to utilize full functionality.


Please note that the current documentation is relevant to the MVTS Pro v.1.8.1-40f.

Adding RADIUS server​

Go to "RADIUS configuration > RADIUS Servers" and add the RADIUS server with the same parameters as on the screenshot below:

RADIUS Server parameters

Pay attention to the following fields:

RADIUS Server NameSet to "JeraSoft RADIUS"
EnableActivate the checkbox
PrecedenceSet to `1``
Enable AuthenticationEnable if you need RADIUS authentication
Enable AuthorizationEnable if you need RADIUS authorization
Enable AccountingEnable if you need RADIUS accounting
Enable External RoutingEnable if you need Dynamic Routing
Secret KeySet to a random value (same as in the JeraSoft Billing)
Authentication AddressSet to the IP of the JeraSoft Billing
Authentication PortSet to 1812
Initial RADIUS Response Timeout (Authentication)Set to 2000
Maximum Retries of Packet Dispatch (Authentication)Set to 1
Maximum RADIUS Response Timeout (Authentication)Set to 16000
Maximum Total Retry Period of Packet Dispatch (Authentication)Set to 30000
Accounting AddressSet to the IP of the JeraSoft Billing
Accounting PortSet to 1813
Initial RADIUS Response Timeout (Accounting)Set to 2000
Maximum Retries of Packet Dispatch (Accounting)Set to 1
Maximum RADIUS Response Timeout (Accounting)Set to 16000
Maximum Total Retry Period of Packet Dispatch (Accounting)Set to 30000
External Routing AddressSet to the IP of the JeraSoft Billing
Routing PortSet to 1812
Initial RADIUS Response Timeout (Ext. Routing)Set to 2000
Maximum Retries of Packet Dispatch (Ext. Routing)Set to 1
Maximum RADIUS Response Timeout (Ext. Routing)Set to 16000
Maximum Total Retry Period of Packet Dispatch (Ext. Routing)Set to 30000

Please also check the following:

  1. In "RADIUS configuration → RADIUS accounting profiles" – standard profile must have "of both legs" parameter specified for the "Send ACCT.START/STOP" packets field.
  2. In "RADIUS configuration → RADIUS global settings" – Active RADIUS accounting profile parameter is set to 1.

Performing default authentication​

MVTS Pro can use RADIUS to perform "default authentication", whereas use account will be authenticated through RADIUS by settings in the JeraSoft Billing, not by adding respective customer account in the MVTS Pro interface.

If you would like to active this behavior, go to "Equipment → Equipment" and create DEFAULT gateway.

Default gateway configuration should look like on the provided screenshot:

DEFAULT Gateway Parameters

Please pay attention to the following fields:

Equipment TypeSelect "Default gateway"
ProtocolSelect "SIP"
Enable StatisticsEnable the checkbox
Enable RADIUS AuthorizationEnable the checkbox
Enable RADIUS AccountingEnable the checkbox
Method of Endpoint AuthenticationSelect "RADIUS"
Allowed Registration Username PatternsSet to .*

External routing​


Please note that the current documentation is relevant to the MVTS Pro v.1.8.1-40f.

If you would like to use external routing for MVTS Pro, make sure that you have completed RADIUS integration, described above.

Adding JeraSoft equipment​

Go to "Equipment → Equipment" and create the following gateways: BILLBERY_SIP, BILLBERY_GW, BILLBERY_ROUTING. Please make sure that each gateway parameters match values, provided on respective screenshots below.


This gateway is used for SIP traffic and its settings will be used for all SIP-based routes. The gateway configuration should look like the provided screenshot:

BILLBERY_SIP parameters

Please pay attention to the following fields:

Equipment TypeSelect "Gateway"
ProtocolSelect "SIP"
Orig. IP AddressSet to
Term. IP AddressSet to the IP of the JeraSoft Billing
Term. Port SIPSet to 5060
Enable RADIUS AuthorizationEnable the checkbox
Enable RADIUS AccountingEnable the checkbox


This gateway is used for H.323 traffic and its settings will be used for all H.323-based routes. The gateway configuration should look like the provided screenshot:

BILLBERY_GW parameters

Please pay attention to the following fields:

Equipment TypeSelect "Gateway"
ProtocolSelect "H.323"
Orig. IP AddressSet to
Term. IP AddressSet to the IP of the JeraSoft Billing
Term. Port SIPSet to 1720
Enable RADIUS AuthorizationEnable the checkbox
Enable RADIUS AccountingEnable the checkbox


This gateway points to the JeraSoft routing server. The gateway configuration should look like the provided screenshot:


Set the "Equipment type" field to "Routing Server(RADIUS)".

Adding dial peer​

Go to "Termination → Dial peers" and create a dial peer with settings that match the screenshot below:

Dial Peer parameters

Please make sure that you specified the below-mentioned fields in the following way:

DST Prefix Allow PatternsSet to .* in order to router all traffic via JeraSoft Billing (you may set a specific pattern, to route only certain destinations)
Equipment ListMake sure that right column has only BILLBERY_ROUTING