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Version: 3.26

Clients Templates

Tab overview​

This tab allows you to create a Client Template where you can specify the main information about a Client, originator settings, etc. Moreover, this template can be used to set the billing and tariffication parameters for Customers or Resellers in several clicks.

client template

Column nameDescription
IDClient's template identification number
NameClient's template name
CreditCredit volume in a template
ORIG Rate TablesOrigination rate table(s), assigned to this client's template
Routing PlanRouting plan, assigned to this client's template
ResellerName of the reseller's company respective client's template belongs to

To navigate in the tab effectively, a user is advised to use Advanced Search drop-down menu by clicking a blue downward arrow icon in the top right corner of the page.

advance search

Creating a new Client's Template​

To create a new template you need to click the New Client Template button. A new pop-up window with the following fields will appear:

edit form

General settings​

General information regarding client's template settings

  • Name: Indicate the title of the client's template
  • Reseller: Select a reseller that will be assigned to this template (this name will be used in invoices)
  • Tags: Indicate tags

Originator settings​

Billing settings and tariffication parameters for customers, who send the calls to your switch

  • Credit: Credit limit allowed for a client
  • Rate Tables: Select the origination rate table(s)
  • Routing Plan: Select an appropriate routing plan that will be used to route all calls for this customer
  • Low Balance Profile: Select the Low Balance Profile for the client

Low balance capacity control​

Here you can set up whether the system should restrict capacity when client's Available balance is lower than a set threshold

  • Threshold: Available balance threshold, below which the special capacity setting will be applied
  • Capacity: Origination capacity limit that will be applied when the available balance is below the threshold

Clients Templates allow you to fill out customer's settings with standard default values. If you do not specify the values (i.e., Credit, Rate Table, Routing Plan, Capacity, Notify Client, Notify Admin) in the Client form, the Clients Templates will take these values from templates (during authorization).

Please note: the system can fill only empty fields with standard default values overridden from the assigned template. For example, if the Client has 0 (specified by default) in the Credit field near the Postpaid checkbox, you need to clear it manually. Otherwise, this value will not be taken from the template. But these values will not be shown in the Client form.

Sample: When there are no values in the Client form, the system will take them from the assigned template. When there are no values in the template assigned to the Client, they will be taken from Reseller's settings.

Interface properties​

The process of applying a template to the Client is pretty simple. All you need to do is:

  • Go to the Clients list, click on the New Client button or select the needed Client;
  • Fill in the Client's Template field by selecting a needed template from the drop-down list.

In the Reseller section, there is an option for Reseller to set a Client's Template, i.e., this template will be used under this Reseller by default. All you need to do is:

  • Go to the Reseller section and select the needed Reseller (configuration window will pop-up);
  • Fill in the Client's Template field by selecting a template from the drop-down list.

Please be advised that values overridden from templates, i.e., Routing Plan, Rate Table, Credit are displayed only on the Clients list. They will not be shown on the Client's Account.

Functional properties​

  1. If there are no indicated values (such as Credit, Rate Table, Routing Plan, Capacity, Notify Client, Notify Admin) in the Client's Settings, it will automatically override these values from the closest template.
  2. The closest template is considered a first template found by the following chain: Client → its Reseller
  3. If there are no found values mentioned above in the closest template, further search stops and values are not defined.

When you remove the template, there is a validation of use this template by a Client or Reseller. The pop-up window with notification will appear.

remove popup


  1. If you want to change the Reseller, you will proceed without any application checks of this template by the Client/Reseller.
  2. The currency indicated in the Client Template and the currency of the customer to which it applies should be the same to work properly.