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Version: 3.26

System Services

The System Services section represents a list of all system utilities and is aimed at providing a possibility to manage and configure them as a user desires. List of system utilities has the following structure:

System Services section

Column nameDescription
StatusStatus of the utility. Depending on the icon, the status can be either "enabled" or "disabled". To change a utility status, click on the utility name in the table
NameName of the utility. The full list of system utilities with their descriptions is provided in a table below
SchedulePeriodicity at which each utility is run. "Daemon" services don't have a schedule, "Periodic" are run in a defined period, "Fixed time" - at predefined timeslots. By clicking the Run utility icon, you manually start this utility regardless of its Schedule column value (doesn't work for Daemon services)
Allowed NodesNodes, at which the service is allowed to run. This parameter is configured only during deployment and is not allowed to be changed by the user
Run GroupsRun Groups define, which services may not run in parallel with others. If two services have intersecting groups, the system will not run them simultaneously and will put one of the services in queue
Last RunTime and date when the last run was initiated
In QueueIf the utility is run manually, time and date when its launch was initiated will be specified in the column

Utility description​

Daemon services​

These utilities do not have a schedule and are automatically run by the system when active.

Utility nameDescription
AC ManagerFetches Active Calls for Gateways
CalculatorUtility that processes all data collected from xDR-files
Import ManagerManages rates import process
Quotas UpdaterUtility that performs balances synchronization
RADIUS ServerRADIUS server process
Rates GeneratorUtility that generates rates, both manually and automatically
SIP Redirect ServerSIP Redirect server process

Periodical services​

These utilities are run every defined period of minutes. The period can be up to 60 minutes.

Utility nameDescription
AAA ManagerUtility that deletes old AAA sessions and routing results
Cache ManagerCache Manager process whose main function is to monitor and include client-related changes for RADIUS and SIP Redirect continuously
Dynamic Routing ManagerUtility that creates routing tables used in the Dynamic Routing feature
Email Rates ManagerUtility that imports rate tables updates from emails
Events ManagerA process that sends events to emails according to Events Config
Files CollectorUtility that controls file collectors
Files DownloaderUtility that automatically downloads xDR-files from the switch host
Invoicing ManagerUtility that manages the autoinvoicing feature
Low Balance MonitoringUtility that controls the Low Balance Monitoring rules and notifies specified Users
Mail ManagerSends emails from the mail queue (invoices, notifications, etc.)
Orig-Term Report GeneratorUtility that manages data generation for Orig-Term Report
Packages ManagerUtility that manages your packages
Provisioning ManagerUtility that processes events asynchronously
Rates NotificatorUtility that notifies clients about rate changes
Reports MonitoringUtility that monitors reports for pre-configured parameters and triggers alerts/actions
Reports to EmailUtility that sends generated statistic reports by the scheduled time
Rerating ManagerUtility that processes rerating
Statistics ManagerUtility that manages statistics packages
Statistics Manager / Meta InfoGathers meta-information about collected statistics
SummaryUtility that aggregates Summary Report
Swap Deals ManagerCaches statistics for Swap Deals module, analysis and notifications
Traffic Rules ManagerUtility that manages all traffic rules in the system

Reports that will be sent by Reports to Email, will be sent using SMTP credentials specified in the Reseller, to which the owner of a Reports Query belongs. For Users without Reseller restrictions (super-admins), default system SMTP credentials will be used.

Fixed time services​

These utilities are run at predefined timeslots.

Utility nameDescription
Backup ManagerUtility that manages system backup processes
Balances ManagerCreates automatic charges
CleanerUtility that automatically cleans old messages from the Events Log section
Jurisdiction ManagerGenerates jurisdiction table from LERG/TMP data sources for US routing
Log RotatorUtility that controls log-files

Please note that if a customer had no assigned packages, accounts, presets or translations, and you decided to add one, then RADIUS or SIP Redirect servers will notice those changes only after the Cache Manager runs and does its job. Please note, that this is only applicable if a customer previously had absolutely no items listed above, in other words, if you add a second account to a customer, then that change will be effective instantly.

Utility management​

You can always configure the run time of any periodical or fixed time utility by clicking a respective name. A pop-up window for utility management has the following structure:

Periodical service editing

NameName of the utility
StatusStatus of the utility: "Enabled", "Disabled"
ScheduleSet "Periodical" to define periodicity further
PeriodDefine run period for the utility. It can not be more than 60 minutes. If you want to use a longer period - use fixed time instead
align toAlign time is used to distribute services running in the same periods. For example, if a period is set to 5 min and align to is 2, service will be run at XX:02, XX:07, XX:12 and so on

Fixed time service editing

NameName of the utility
StatusStatus of the utility: "Enabled", "Disabled"
ScheduleSet "Fixed Time" to define a specific run timeslot further
Run atSet the time to run a utility. You can define multiple times here. The time should be given in system timezone