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How to configure Automatic Invoicing?

Auto-invoicing allows sending an email message with attached invoice to your customers automatically. This is a great way to stay on top of notifying your customers about their expenses over a target period.

To set up auto-invoicing​

  1. Go to the Configuration → Settings section.

    a. Fill the Invoicing Settings information block according to your preferences.

  2. Then open the Configuration → Payment Terms section.

    a. Create Target Payment Rules that will be applied to Clients.

  3. Go to the Management → Resellers.

    a. Open respective Reseller's settings and configure the Mail Template: Invoice, as well the Invoicing Information.

  4. Go to the Management → Clients.

    a. Select a respective Client and open his settings.

    b. Check whether an Origination Rate Rable is specified for the Client. (if there is no Orig Rate Table specified, Autoinvoicing cannot be processed.)

    c. Tick the Autoinvoicing checkbox to activate an option.

    d. Choose the Template from the drop-down list.

    In order to create/edit/customize an Invoice Template, open Configuration → Invoices Templates section.

    e. Determine the last calendar date of InvoiceI in the ILast Invoiced field.

    f. Specify respective Payment Terms in the Originator settings information block.

    g. Fill in the Billing Email field in the Company Info information block.


How to set Automatic Invoicing at specific time?

  • Go to the Configuration → Settings.
  • Specify Autoinvoicing Delay parameter of Invoicing Settings information block according to your needs.

As a result, the Invoice will be created according to a specified parameter. Please note, the Invoice will not be sent until you set the "to send" status.