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Version: 3.26

Data Sources

Section overview​

The Data Source section is a first step to providing easier and more convenient work with files import, in particular. The section is presented in the form of a table with the following columns:

Data Source section

IDData source identification number
NameData source name
ResellerThe name of the reseller the data source is assigned to
Connection typeType of connection to the data source
HostIP address or domain name
PortData source port

Functional buttons and icons, presented in the section, are as follows:

add newAllows creating a new data source
deleteAllows deleting a data source from the system

Creating a new Data Source​

To create a new data source, you need to click the Add Source button and fill in the required fields:

New Data Source creation form

  • Name: indicate a data source name

  • Reseller: the name of the reseller the data source is assigned to

  • Connection Type: specify connection type:

    • SSH
    • SFTP
    • FTP
    • IMAP - mail mode to download files
    • IMAP Microsoft [OAuth2] - mail mode for Microsoft OAuth 2.0 (available starting from JeraSoft Billing v3.24.5)
    • Web (Numuri) - web mode to download files
    • SMTP - for configuring a mail server

    Depending on a type you've chosen, the list of fields in the information block may differ.

  • Security layer: FOR SMTP ONLY specify security layer for SMTP server:

    • TLS
    • SSL
    • Plain
  • Host: specify an IP address or domain name of the server. Unavailable for Web (Numuri) connection type

  • Port: specify the port for SSH, IMAP or FTP type. Unavailable for Web (Numuri)

  • Login: specify gateway server login

  • Password: password for FTP connection, IMAP mailbox, and Numuri web service.

    • For SSH you have to create SSH-keys. Thus, this field is unavailable for this type.
    • For SMTP type, you can leave login&password fields empty if your server does not require such authentication.