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What is resellers billing mode?

When JeraSoft Billing user assigns a Rate Table to a Reseller's profile, resellers billing mode gets enabled. Its purpose lies in multi-level reselling, which allows a Reseller to bill their target affiliate (sub-reseller) when the latter uses its parent's vendors for calls termination. To make it more visual, let's consider the following diagram:

Diagram: Scenario #1

Here, our "Root Reseller" has 2 clients: "Root Reseller's (RR) Origination Client" and "RR Termination Vendor" and the "Sub-Reseller" with its "Sub-Origination Client". Under depicted scenario, when "Sub-Origination Client" terminates its calls by "RR Termination Vendor", and resellers billing mode on "Sub-Reseller" is disabled, information about this call in xDRs List will have the following look:

xDR report with disabled resellers billing mode

As a result, the "Root Reseller" doesn't receive any profit, since the origination client is "Sub-Reseller"'s customer and can't be invoiced. Nor can the "Sub-Reseller" be invoiced due to the lack of assigned origination Rate Table. Consequently, the "Sub-Reseller" gained profit using its parent Reseller's vendor ("RR Termination Vendor"), but brought zero income to it. By no means can such business case be beneficial for "Root Reseller", therefore, an obvious solution is to enable resellers billing mode on its "Sub-Reseller".

To do so, in the "Sub-Reseller"'s profile, add a target Rate Table in the ORIG Rates field of Originator Settings, and apply changes (see screenshot below).

Assigning rate table to a Sub-Reseller

With the enabled resellers billing mode, whenever any of the "Sub-Reseller"'s clients terminates a call by "Root Reseller"'s vendors, the "Sub-Reseller" will be billed in accordance with rates, indicated in their Rate Table. Such call in xDRs List section will look like this (see screenshot):

xDR report with enabled resellers billing mode

In this case, the "Root Reseller" is able to issue an invoice to its affiliate for services, provided by parent Reseller's vendors.

However, keep in mind that resellers billing mode must be enabled only in situations, when calls are made between Clients of different Resellers under one hierarchical branch. If calls are generated between customers of the same Reseller, billing mode may lead to a below-specified issue. Let's take a look at the following diagram:

Diagram: Scenario #2

Both calls are made within customers of one "Sub-Reseller". If the "Sub-Reseller" has an assigned Rate Table, they will be billed for each call made by their customers, even though none of the "Root Reseller"'s vendors have been involved.

Inappropriate use of resellers billing mode

To avoid such an issue, make sure resellers billing mode is disabled for internal customer's communication.