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Version: 3.26

Dynamic Routing Policies

Section overview​

This section describes the list of currently available routing policies for JeraSoft Billing. Routing policy is a set of regulations and principles (appeal) that determine the way all available terminators are prioritized during dynamic routing. Each policy has its unique principles of terminators prioritizing and allows a user a wide variety of possibilities to configure the system in the best suitable way.

Below you will find a description of 6 standard DR policies:

DR Policies section

Cash FlowWhen vendors owe you the most and have long periods to invoice due date, they get higher priority in routing
ProportionalWhen the price is lower and a route quality is higher, it has a higher priority
Simple LCRGeneric price-based routing
Simple QualityGeneric quality-based routing

Adding a New DR Policy​

To add your custom DR policy, click the Add Routing Policy button. The following window will open showing the available settings:

Adding a New DR Policy

NameSet the name of the respective policy
FactorsSpecify the factors for the system to consider during building the DR table. You can select multiple factors

Available factors are:

  • Rate - vendor's rate for the destination, vendors with a lower rate will get higher position in routing;
  • ASR - vendor's ASR, analyzed by Summary Report data for the duration given in the System Confirmation;
  • ACD - vendor's ACD, analyzed by Summary Report data for the duration given in the System Confirmation;
  • PDD - vendor's PDD, analyzed by Summary Report data for the duration given in the System Confirmation;
  • SCD - vendor's SCD, analyzed by Summary Report data for the duration given in the System Confirmation;
  • Vendor Debt - considers the amount a vendor owes you; vendors, that owe you the most, are moved to a higher position in routing;
  • Payment Due - considers the next payment date to a vendor (date of next invoice + due days); vendors with longer periods till due date get higher positions.

Note that it is possible to create a Routing Policy without any factors. As a result, all Appeal values will be the same for this Policy. During the routing process, all routes with all other similar parameters will be randomly reordered.