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Fluid Pay

Please follow the guidelines presented in this article to enable the integration with Fluid Pay.

Configuration on the payment system side​

  1. Go to the page, and enter your login and password information

  2. When the page loads, click on the arrow in the upper right corner, and go to the "Manage Api Keys" section screenshot 1

  3. Click "Add new API key", select Type - "Public", and enter any name in the "Enter Name for the API key" field screenshot 2

  4. Click "Create", and save the key from the result somewhere for yourself

Configuration in our admin portal​

  1. Log in to the JeraSoft Billing web UI
  2. Go to Configuration → Legal Entities, and select the needed Legal Entity
  3. Go to the Autocharge Settings tab. Check the box next to "FLUIDPAY", enter your API key in the API Key field screenshot 3

Client Panel configuration​

For seamless integration, following settings must be configured within the paymentGateways.fluidpay section of the configuration file.

Configuration parameters​

enabledIs integration enabled
sandboxIs sandbox mode enabled
allowCustomAre custom amounts allowed
amountOptionsList of allowed top up amounts
defaultCountryCodeRespective Country Code in JeraSoft Billing
currenciesIdRespective Currency ID in JeraSoft Billing
currencyCodeCurrency (code) to charge payments in
paymentAccountsIdJeraSoft Payment Account ID to use
apiKeyYour API key

Sample config​


"default": {
"paymentGateways": {
"fluidpay": {
"enabled": true,
"sandbox": false,
"allowCustom": true,
"amountOptions": [1, 5, 10, 25],
"defaultCountryCode": "US",
"currenciesId": null,
"currencyCode": "USD",
"paymentAccountsID": 1,
"apiKey": "your-api-key",