The CoreAPI is the high-performance mechanism for a real-time integration with 3rd party systems, including softswitches, gateways, etc. It's designed for a limited number of most used methods for integrations. Typically, the CoreAPI methods can be used for the following:

(warning)   Attention

  1. The JeraSoft team may modify the attributes and methods related to the CoreAPI usage from time to time without advance notice.
  2. In order to provide our users with the most up-to-date features, we recommend using CoreAPI instead of Management API methods for integrations.


The Service implements JSON-RPC 2.0 specification. Transport of the RPC messages done over HTTP protocol. By default, the Service runs on 3080/tcp port. It is assumed that RPC clients talk to the Service over a secure connection (either VPN or private network).


Authorization and Tokens

Authentication is performed using pre-created API Tokens. Each RPC request should contain an API Token under the parameter named AUTH. The API Tokens are linked to System Users and Resellers setting of the user is respected. At the same time, there is no module/method limitation within CoreAPI, all methods are available to all users.


        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "id": 1,
        "method": "rating.getTaxes",
        "params": {
            "amountGross": 100,
            "taxes": [
                {"priority": 1, "value": 10}
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "id": 2,
        "method": "transactions.create",
        "params": {
            "clients_id": 10562,
            "currencies_id": 16,
            "amount": "{$0.amountNet}",
            "descr": "Special Transaction"


You can access the user's CoreAPI token in his edit form, go to the System > Users