This section allows to send/receive JSON-RPC API calls via the web interface. It is important to understand that this section allows you to actually run API requests, and it is not a simulation. So, if you requested to delete or modify a client by running an API request, this client will be actually deleted from the system or modified.

Screenshot: API Testbed settings



URL is set by default according to current server settings

ModuleSelect which module to call
ActionSet which action to call
LoginSpecify a login that will be used during the call

Specify a password that will be used during the call

ParametersEnter JSON data that will be sent to the API

After the Send Request button is clicked, you will see:

Both request and response are shown as JSON tree with the ability to switch to RAW JSON (see screenshot below).

Screenshot: API Request & API Response


  1. API Testbed allows only to test Management API, not CoreAPI.
  2. If the user has access to delete gateways via API Testbed, he can remove all gateways regardless of which Reseller owns a respective gateway.