Section overview

Payment accounts serve as the exact definitions used in the Transactions section. For example, you can have Bank Transfer and Credit Card payment accounts, and, while applying respective payments, you will be able to define payment origin by selecting a corresponding payment account.

This section allows you to create different payment accounts for correct and precise transactions (payments) management. The section is presented in a form of a list of payments with the following structure (see screenshot):

Screenshot: Payment Accounts section

Column NameDescription
IDPayment account's identification number
NameAccount's name
ResellerName of the reseller a new payment account will be attached to

Functional buttons/icons, presented in the section, are as follows:


Allows to create a new payment account

Allows to delete a payment account from the system. Requires confirmation

(warning)   Attention

Please note, the user cannot edit or delete the General payment account with ID = 1 (see screenshot above)

Adding a New Payment Account

The following steps are to be taken to create a new payment account:

A new account will be added to the list and will become available in the Transactions section.

Screenshot: Payment Account creation form