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Screenshot: Advanced settings

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If Unchanged

Determines system behavior if it detects rates in the imported file with all the same settings as the ones already present in the Rate Table but Effective Date. Has two options:

  • Save rows
  • Skip rows
On Warnings

Manages alerts from the Analysis Settings section. If any, you'll have the option to:

  • Save rows
  • Skip rows
  • Abort import
On Errors

Determines billing behavior if inconsistency or error was found in the importing file (data inconsistency, incorrect symbols, etc.)

  • Import correct rows and show all found errors - import error-free rows and display the list of errors, if any
  • If errors are found, abort import and show all errors - if any error is found, stop the import and display a list of errors
Datetime Format

Specify the date format of an imported file. Please note, the auto-detection of date and time can be performed with files that contain one of the date and time formats, listed below:

  • DD-MM-YYYY (%d-%m-%Y) = 28-12-2018
  • YYYY-MM-DD (%Y-%m-%d) = 2018-12-28
  • MM/DD/YYYY (%m/%d/%Y) = 12/28/2018
  • DD.MM.YYYY (%d.%m.%Y) = 28.12.2018
  • YYYY/MM/DD (%Y/%m/%d) = 2018/12/28
  • YYYYMMDD (%Y%m%d) = 20181228
  • YYYY-MM (%Y-%m) = 2018-12
Billing Increment

Billing Increment defines the way events are billed and combines two parameters: minimum volume and tariffication interval or three parameters: minimum volume,tariffication interval and grace volume. Indicate the order of parameters recognition in the Billing Increment column:

  • Min Volume/Interval
  • Interval/Min Volume
  • Min Volume/Interval/Grace Volume
  • Interval/Min Volume/Grace Volume

For example, if the Billing Increment column in your import file is 1, 5, and you selected Min Volume/Intervalvalue in this field, the system will recognize 1 as Minimum Volume and 5 as a Tariffication Interval for a target rate.

Skip dash in codes

Select whether a dash in codes must be skipped or not:

  • Enabled - codes, written as 1201-1205, will be imported as a single 12011205 code
  • Disabled- 1201-1205 codes will be imported as separate 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1205 codes
Split Src Code Name

This option is used only in case source code names contain an underscore symbol. Choose one of the following:

  • Disabled - if an Src Code Name is, for instance, USA_Columbia, it will be preserved as it is after import.
  • By underscore - if selected, a USA_Columbia Code Name will be changed to Columbia after import.
Blocked keywordsList words here for the system to recognize blocked destinations. The prefilled value is block.
Closed keywordsList words here for the system to recognize closed destinations. The prefilled values are close, delete, terminate, deactivate, and remove.
Notificator Code DeckSpecify code decks that will be used for the next rates notification
Update Code Deck

Select the way you want both Src and Dst code decks to be updated with new/existing code names from current rates file:

  • Disabled - leave selected code decks unchanged
  • Import only not existing codes - code decks will be updated with codes and their names if they are missing
  • Import all codes (update existing) -  сode decks and codes will be updated with code names taken from a file, overwriting of existing ones
  • Import all codes (purge code deck first) - code decks are fully cleared and then all codes and code names are imported from a file

(warning)   Attention

If Src Code and/or Dst Code sheet type is selected, you need to enable this feature

Code Deck Dst Code Deck that will be used for an Update Code Deck option. Select a destination code deck that you want to update with the above-mentioned settings (note that code deck specified settings here will only be available if you are importing a file, which contains Code Names in addition to Codes).
Src Code DeckSrc Code Deck that will be used for an Update Code Deck option. Select a source code deck that you want to update with the above-mentioned settings (note that code deck specified settings here will only be available if you are importing a file, which contains Code Names in addition to Codes).
AZ Mode

A special mode that determines system behavior regarding active/future rates:

  • Disabled- leave active/future rates unchanged. Selected by default.
  • Simple mode - active rates from a current Rate Table will be closed on the specified AZ close date if they aren't present in this import.
  • Extended mode - all existing future rates will be marked as stashed. Currently, active rates (not presented in this import) will be closed by the date specified below.
AZ codesAvailable if AZ Mode is active. Specify the exact code(s) AZ Mode is going to be applied to. By default, the field value is "*" (all codes)
AZ interval

Available if AZ Mode is active. Specify the period for AZ mode to close rates. The selectable options are:

  • days from last midnight - the rates will be closed after the specified amount of days from the midnight of the import day
  • days from now - the rates will be closed after the specified amount of days from the import day
  • hours from XX:00 - the rates will be closed after the specified amount of hours from the start of an hour of the import timestamp
  • hours from now - the rates will be closed after the specified amount of hours from the import timestamp

For a detailed explanation, check out our Knowledge Base article

AZ close dateAvailable if AZ Mode is active. The field displays the time and date (with timezone) of rates closure based on the AZ interval parameters.
Billing Increments Check

Select whether you need billing increments checking during import or not:

  • Enabled - the system will raise an error in case imported rates' billing increments differ from those already present in the Rate Table.
  • Disabled 
Deviation Tolerance, (%)Define the value of how much can an imported rate differ from an existing one in percent. If exceeded, the system will generate an alert for the manager.
Agreements Tolerance, (days)Define a number of days that the system will take into account while analyzing the new import and the current agreement with the vendor. If the dates of an agreement and the import are closer then the specified amount, the system will generate an alert for the manager.
Changes Threshold, (rates)Define a number of changed rates that will serve as a threshold for the selected rate table. If exceeded, the system will generate an alert for the manager.
