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This section is designed to provide a user with a possibility to generate a report and trace all call routes from Client to any Provider with orig-term cost and profit. Here you can create a report based on an existing template or generate a new one. Also, you can get the information sorted by clients, events, profit, etc.

Screenshot: Orig-Term Report query form

Creating a New Orig-Term Report

To create a new summary report, you need to fill in the following parameters in the form and press click the Query button:

Information blockBlockField Description

On the Filters menu, select the required parameters for the report. To cancel any filter, click the delete  icon next to the filter.
You can start a quick search by typing filters' names in the field at the top of a drop-down menu with filters.

Period (1)

Specify the time interval for the report and a timezone. Please note that the Period field is mandatory.

Period 2

Accessible when you enable the Compare Period option by clicking on the plus icon next to the Period. Specify the second interval for the report.


When you select one of the Time parameters for Group Byby, the end date of the Period 2 will be set automatically to make equal intervals of Period 1 and Period 2.

Group Byby

There are the following accessible options to group the data in reports:

  • Time: Year, Month, Date, Hour.
  • ClientsOrig Client, Orig Account, Orig Code, Orig Code Name, Orig Rate, Term Client, Term Account, Term Code, Term Code Name, Term Rate
  • Extras: Service Name, Orig Serial, Orig Client Type, Orig Owner, Orig Time profile, Term Client Type, Term Owner, Term Time profile

(warning)   Attention

Please note, the Group By by field is mandatory, it couldn't be empty in order to generate the report.

Additional Filters

There are the following accessible additional filters:

  • Clients: Orig Client/ Orig Account/ Orig Code/ Orig Code Name/ Orig Serial/ Orig Owner/ Orig Client's Tags/ Orig Account's Tags/ Term Client/ Term Account/ Term Code/ Term Code Name/ Term Owner/ Term Client's Tags/ Term Account's Tags
  • Events: Total/ Profit/ Volume, Total/ Events Not Zero/ ASR Cur/ ACD Cur
  • Extras: Service Name/ Orig Time profile/ Term Time profile
Clients Settings
Orig Client Define an origination client for the report
Orig Account

Enter an orig origination account for the report

Orig CodeSpecify an orig origination code for the report
Orig Code Name Indicate an orig origination code name
Orig SerialDefine an origination serial
Orig OwnerDefine an origination Reseller for the report
Orig Client's TagsDetermine tags that belong to an orig origination client
Orig Account's TagsSpecify tags that determined for an orig origination account
Term ClientDefine a termination client for the report
Term AccountEnter a termination account for the report
Term Code Name Indicate a termination code name
Term OwnerDefine a Reseller for the report
Term Client's TagsDetermine tags that belong to a termination client
Term Account's TagsSpecify tags determined for a termination account
Term CodeSpecify a termination code for the report
Events Settings
TotalEnter the range of total events
ProfitEnter the range of the revenue you would like to display
Events Not ZeroDefine the range of events, that have duration greater than 0
ASR CurrentSpecify the range of ASR Cur for events you would like to display
ACD CurrentSpecify the range of ACD Cur for events you would like to display
Volume, TotalEnter the range of total volume of services
Extra Settings
Orig Time ProfileSelect an orig time profile that will be used as filter criteria
Term Time ProfileSpecify a term time profile that will be used as filter criteria
Service NameDetermine the name of service for the report

This form contains settings of the output data of the report.

Click the plus icon near the Columns to select respective columns to output a report data. Also, you can cancel any chosen item.

Accessible columns in the report

Columns for the main period are:

ASR Std, ASR Cur, ACD Std, ACD Cur, Total Volume, Error, Profit, Profit (%), Orig Billed Volume, Orig Cost, Orig Avg Rate, Term Billed Volume, Term Cost, Term Avg Rate, Total Events, Not Zero, Busy, No Channel, Success.

Columns for the comparative period are the same as for the main period. Moreover, all parameters could be selected expressed in percentage.


Origination information:

  • Billed Volume - Billed event volume
  • Cost - Price of the event
  • Avg. Rate - Average event rate

Termination information:

  • Billed Volume - Billed event volume
  • Cost - Event cost
  • Avg. Rate - Average event rate
  • Profit - Revenue in respective currency, for example, USD (in fact, any system currency can be specified here)
  • Profit (%)- Revenue in percent value
Total Volume

Total volume of services


Average successful rate (successful events percentage):

  • Std - Number of events with success status divided by total number of events minus all events with no channel available status
  • Cur - Number of events with duration > 0 divided by total number of events

Average call duration:

  • Std - Sum of all event duration divided by the number of events with success status
  • Cur - Sum of all event duration divided by the number of events with a duration > 0

Quantity of events in a database

  • Total Events - Total events quantity
  • Not Zero - Quantity of events that have a duration equal to or more than 1 second
  • Success - Quantity of events that have a duration equal to or more than 1 second and a successful end code, events with Q.931, disconnect cause 16 or 31
  • Error - Quantity of declined events
  • Busy - Busy events quantity

  • No Channel - No circuit/channel available. Events with Q.931, disconnect cause 34
Other output settings
Order Byby

Select parameters to sort already grouped data in columns. Here you can sort data from highest to lowest values (or vice versa) and select different values.


Choose a format of the report from a drop-down list: Web/CSV/Excel XLS/Excel XLSx

Also, select a look of a table view next to the Type field:

  • Grouped - a table view with grouped data and possibility to collapse it

  • Plain - a simple table view
  • Plain with total - a simple table view with an additional Total row at the beginning of the report


(warning)   Attention

Please note, that the Grouped type of table view is available only for Excel XLSx and Web formats; it doesn't work with CSV.

Limit Determine the number of rows that will be visible in the report. It is useful for displaying some top positions by the chosen parameter. It is available only for plain and plain with total types of the report. 
Send to

You can send generated reports via email. Also, it is possible to specify several emails.


(warning) Attention

This feature is available only for CSV/Excel XLS/Excel XLSx formats of the report; it doesn't work with Web.


Specify a currency for the report. All values will be automatically converted in the report to the specified currencyin the report.

Code Deck

Select a code deck from a drop-down list. All codes in the following report will be presented according to the specified code deck.


If the data is grouped in the report, it will be shown initially collapsed. To expand or collapse data in your report, click the  plus or  minus icons. To expand all data in the report, please press click Ctrl and .



Please note, the system shows rounded values in the reports. But However, while calculating, the system takes an exact value. Hence, the procedure of the rounding is the following as follows:

  • the system rounds currency values according to the settings of a respective currency
  • all types of events (e.g., not zero, success, busy, as well as total quantity) are not rounded
  • such parameters as Orig Avg Rate, Term Avg Rate, Profit, Term Cost are rounded to the nearest ten-thousandth. For example, 3.879256 to 3.8793
  • others are rounded to the nearest hundredth. For example, 4.8763 to 4.88


An easy way to generate a simple orig-term report is:

  • On the Filters menu, select Select the desired parameters for the report on the Filters menu.
  • Enter the period.
  • Select some parameters in the Group Byby field, for example, Orig Client, Service Name.
  • Then,Select choose Columns in the Output form, for example, ASR Std, ASR Cur, ACD Std, ACD Cur, Success, Error, Profit (%).
  • Specify the Type field or leave its default settings (Web/Grouped) 
  • Specify the currency and choose the code deck (if applicable). 
  • Click the Query button. 


  • If you want to sort already grouped data in columns, select the respective parameters in the Order Byby field. Also, you can sort from highest to lowest values (or vice versa).
  • Please note, the Order By by option is active when the Type of the Output form is Plain or Plain with Total. When it is Grouped, the data is only sorting by values specified in the Group Byby field.

Also, you can sort data in a report manually using special arrows    next to the name of the respective columns.


You can export data to a CSV and  or XLSx file, which contains only currently displayed data, no automatic request to update data while exporting. Also, it is possible to create charts for easily for illustrating crucial information easily. And you can generate a report using the same criteria in the Summary report and the xDRs list sections. 


 6. You can check an actual date interval of the report by clicking the Info  icon and it could be different from the Interval specified above if there is no date data for the period.

Screenshot: Orig-Term Report section/ chart
