Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Screenshot: Import button

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The button will only be active when you filter the rates by the rate table.

Image Added

Step 1. Selecting a File and Specifying Additional Parameters

The first thing you need to do in the import configurations view is to select select a rate table (the import template will autocomplete if existentit exists). Then, drag-and-drop or upload an import file. Additionally, you can specify the following parameters:

Screenshot: Step 1. File Settings

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Rate TableThis field will be autocompleted with the name of a rate table if the rates are filtered in the Rates section. If not applicable, select a target rate table(s)
Import TemplateSelect a target template for rates importing if available

You can also save the importing file settings as a template for further usage during import. To do so, click the Image Added button next to the Import Template field, specify the name, and click the Save Template button.

Screenshot: Saving a Template

Image Added

You can update the working Template


by clicking the Image Added button.



  1. It's not possible to import a file into the Rate Table with the Min Time and Interval = 0. These fields must have at least 1 second.
  2. While specifying the Effective Date and End Date, keep in mind that Timezone is UTC (+0000) by default.
  3. Please DO NOT import duplicates of the same Code in one import file.


Screenshot: Step 2. Import Settings

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Starting from VCS 3.17.0, the user has a possibility to specify a type for each sheet of an imported file. Each sheet type has its own list of columns.Currently, there are 3 sheet types:


Starting from JeraSoft Billing v3.18.0, the user has an the option to select the Skip this sheet option for the system to ignore the respective sheet during import. More about sheet types configuration here.

Screenshot: Sheet types

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On the second step, you can also save the importing rate table as a template for further usage during import. To do so, specify a template title in the bottom left corner of the tab, and click the Save Template button (see screenshot above).

the respective sheet during import. More about sheet type configuration here.

Screenshot: Sheet types

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To open advanced configurations, click on a grey downwards arrow  icon next to Step 2: Import Settings. Advanced settings contain the following fields:


Screenshot: Rates import - Code Rules settings

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CodeIndicate a destination code. For all codes, use * (asterisk)

Indicate a status for the rates. By default, it will be Active. Set the Stashed status if you want to double-check them later after import.

Effective Date

Specify a start date of a rate. There are various options to schedule this date:

  • days from last midnight - the rates will be active after the specified amount of days from the midnight of the import day
  • days from now - the rates will be active after the specified amount of days from the import day
  • hours from XX:00 - the rates will be active after the specified amount of hours from the start of an hour of the import timestamp
  • hours from now - the rates will be active after the specified amount of hours from the import timestamp
Time Profile Indicate time profile that will be used for a current rate, for example, business time, non-business time, weekends, etc.
MinMinimal time of the call that will be tariffed.
For example, if the total call time was 20 seconds and Min is 30, the client will pay for 30 seconds of the call.
IntTariffication interval. 
This parameter is used, when Min Time time expires.

Additional parameters are stored under the downwards arrow icon.

  • Grace Volume - a volume that will not be tariffed (i.e., it's free). 
  • Setup Fee - an initial fee that is charged.
  • Number Length - specify the min and max number length.
  • End Date - the final date after which the rate will expire.
  • Notes -additional information.


Screenshot: .csv file with detailed error data

Confirming Rates

Confirming Rates

If you choose Stash Status of the rates during the Import processWhen the procedure has been executed, you will be forwarded to the Rates section where all imported rates will be displayed.  If the Auto-Confirm option was disabled during the import process, you Here you need to Mass Edit the rates' status from stashed to active.

Screenshot: Confirming Rates

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Import History Tab


Screenshot: Import History output

Image AddedImage Removed

User Login
Time and date of import execution

Login of a user who executed the import


Import and the import file. By clicking on theImage Modified icon, the file will be downloaded

Total RowsTotal amount of imported rows
Total RatesTotal amount of imported rates
NewTotal amount of rates with New type
IncreasedTotal amount of rates with Increased type
DecreasedTotal amount of rates with Decreased type
UnchangedTotal amount of rates with Unchanged type
ClosedTotal amount of closed destinations
BlockedTotal amount of blocked destinations
A-Z ClosedNumber of rates, closed by A-Z import
A-Z StashedNumber of rates, stashed by A-Z import
StatusStatus of import procedure (success/failed)

Image Modified icon

When clicked on, deletes respective import data from the system


Only the latest Import can be undone.
