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Beyond any doubts, clients are a cornerstone and the most valuable asset of any type of business. Hence, the Clients section is rightfully considered a core element of the whole JeraSoft VoIP Carrier SuitBilling. In the section, user can manage the personal information of any client on the list, trace customer's balances, review resellers a particular client belongs to, etc. The section is presented in a the form of a table with the following columns:

Screenshot: Clients section

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Column NameDescription
IDClient's identification number
NameClient's name

Client's balance values

  • Available
 'Live' client's balance including allowed credit
  • Live 
Client's balance calculated on a the basis of the performed payments and processed calls
  • Fixed 
Client's balance calculated on a the basis of the outstanding invoices and performed payments
Pay TermsPayment terms of each client
TagsList of tags, applied to a client
ResellerName of reseller's company respective client belongs to



Allows adding a new client to the system

Allows exporting a list of user's clients in a .csv file

Allows managing a the last invoice date of a client

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Identifies the Orig client
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Identifies the Term client
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Identifies the Orig/Term client

Allows accessing the list of client's accounts in the Accounts section (an icon will be colored if any an account is assigned)
Allows accessing the client's current routing plan (an icon will be colored if the plan is assigned)
Allows accessing the Traffic Processing section for dynamic routing management

Allows viewing client's rates (an icon will be colored if a rate table is assigned)

  • ORIG
Rate tables for origination calls
  • TERM
Rate tables for termination calls
Allows accessing the Client Packages section for new clients packages management
Allows accessing the Transactions section for client's balance management
Allows accessing the Invoices section for client's invoices management
Allows accessing the Balance Report section for client's balance report (Live or Fixed) management
Allows accessing the Summary Report section for client's summary report management

Allows accessing the Mail Queue section to view sent emails history

Allows accessing the Audit Log section to view change history
Allows deleting a client from the system


To add a new customer in the system, click the New Client button in a top-left corner of the section. A pop-up window with the following fields will show up:

Screenshot: Adding a new client

Information blockFields & Description
General SettingsGeneral information about the client
  • Name
Indicate a client's name
  • Reseller
Select a reseller new client belongs to (this name will be used in invoices)
  • Currency
Define preferred currency (will be used in invoices)
  • Timezone

Choose the timezone from the drop-down list of all available. This timezone will be used in invoices by default. UTC is a default parameter for a timezone


(warning)(warning)   Attention

If this parameter is not indicated, the timezone of the database will be automatically applied to the client's settings of the zone. It could lead to some problems while working with packages, rate tables, or time profiles.

  • Status

Select a respective status for the client:

  • active
  • stop
  • deleted
  • Client's Template
Here you can apply the required template from the list to a new customer
  • Tags
You can indicate tag(s) here that will be applied to a new customer. The tag doesn't need to be pre-existent in the system. You can provide an unlimited number of tags for each client.
  • Tax Profile

You can specify a tax profile, which will be reflected in invoices (refers to the Taxes Profiles section).

  • SureTax is a tax, levied on top of another tax. It allows to manage managing your compliance with tax law. This profile is used for further calculation in invoices. To get more details, check out the article "How to set SureTax profile?US Taxation".


(warning)(warning)   Attention

For proper usage of SureTax, the Invoice Number should contain only Latin and numeric characters. Max length is 40 symbols. Dst and Src Numbers should be in the NPANXXNNNN (10 digits) format. 

  • Bill Events by
Select how the system should bill events of a new client – by setup time, by connect time or by disconnect time (most switch models use disconnect time)
  • Hidden Numbers checkbox

When checked, allows you to hide some part of the client's destination numbers in invoices, xDRs reports and during export.


If the client has the Hidden Numbers option enabled and the code appears in the code deck from the invoice template, the number, code, and code name become hidden. If the code doesn't appear in the code deck, the last *n characters of the number are hidden. The code deck from the rate table is only used to identify code names.

Client Panel checkbox

Activates/deactivates the login procedure to the client's control panel for this client. Customer can get access to this control panel by using the following link: http://vcs_address/clients/, after filling in the following fields:

  • Login
Client's login
  • Password
Client's password
Originator SettingsSettings for your customers, who send events to your switch. Clients' originator settings are as follows:
  • Postpaid checkbox

Here you can set the needed payment mode for a client. If you enable the postpaid mode, the client will have unlimited credit. It is disabled by default.

  • Credit

Additional The additional field next to the Postpaid check boxcheckbox. Here you can set the credit limit allowed for a client. You could fill this field with any of the positive or negative numbers, but no more than 9 digits. If the Postpaidcheckbox is marked, this field becomes inactive.

  • Payment Terms
Select the payment terms template from the general list of all available ones in the Payment Terms section
  • Rate Table
From the list of all rate tables in the Rate Tables section, select an origination one for this client
  • Routing Plan
Select an appropriate routing plan that will be used to route all calls of this customer (but it may be overridden for any of the customer's accounts in the Accounts tab). The full list of routing plans is presented in the Routing Plans section
  • Capacity

Indicate origination capacity of channels for this client. For unlimited amount, leave empty

Terminator SettingsSettings for your vendors, whom you send events from your switch. Clients' termination settings are as follows:
  • Rate Table
From the list of all rate tables, select a termination one for this client
  • Capacity
Define termination capacity of channels for this client. For unlimited amount, leave empty
Low Balance Notifications

Here you can setup set up whether the system should send low balance notifications or not when the client's Available balance is lower than a set threshold

  • Notify Client
When clients' balance+credit is below the entered value, the system will send a notification to email, specified in the clients' Billing Email field
  • Notify Admin
When clients' balance+credit is below the entered value, the system will send a notification to an administrator via Events Log
  • Threshold
Available balance threshold, below which the special capacity setting will be applied
  • Capacity
Origination capacity limit that will be applied when the available balance is below the threshold
Autoinvoicing checkbox

Activates/deactivates the automatic invoice generation feature for the current client. Information block parameters are:
  • Template
Select an invoice template for this customer
  • Last Invoiced
Specify the last date when the client was invoiced
Rate Notification checkbox

Here you can enable or disable automatic rates notifications for the current client
  • Format 
Select the desirable format of rate notification (.xls xlsx or .csv)
  • Notify Type

Specify a type of notification:

  • All rates - full rates list will be sent
  • Only changed rates - only changed rates will

    be sentAll rates have unique mode - if there are two or more new rates with different effective dates for the same code, several files will

    be sent

    , each containing all unchanged rates and only one unique rate for this code

    Image Modified Tip

    1. The system will push

  • notification after adding new rates. Please note, if the user changes the Effective Date field of current rates manually, it won't activate notifications.

    2. We recommend using this type of notifications for testing purposes. It doesn't cancel a regular notification nor change the last export date.

Auto Payment checkbox

Activates/deactivates the automatic charge from customer's credit card registered in the electronic payment service. Please note that you can register a credit card via the Refill balance section on the Client Panel. 

  • Extra Amount

Define a payment amount

Company InfoSome additional information about a client can be entered here
  • Name
Company name
  • Main Email
Company email for general inquiries. Use only Latin characters.
  • NOC Email
Company email for technical related questions. Use only Latin characters.
  • Notify about Factors Watcher blocks checkbox
This tool watches over different parameters and generates alerts if some conditions are met. This function is optional, i.e. you can enable or disable them in the Clients form
  • Billing Email

Automatically generated invoices and notifications will be sent to this email address. Use only Latin characters.

  • Rates Email
Company email for rates related questions. Use only Latin characters.
  • Address
Physical company address
  • Zip Code
Postal code for SureTax integration
  • Tax ID
Customer's tax ID
  • Reg ID
Customer's registration ID
  • Account Details
Reference information about the client's bank account or payment details
  • Locale
The preferred locale that will be sent as a reply to RADIUS Authorization. It is used for IVR platforms to define the language



(warning)(warning)   Attention

Autoinvoicing tool sends rates in separate files for each time profile used in a certain Rate Table.

Please note, the email address should contain only Latin characters for proper work of email notifications and invoices.


Screenshot: Mass edit functionality

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Clients Templates


Content by Label
cqllabel = "clients" and space = "KB"