Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Information BlockField Description

On the Filters menu, select the required parameters for the report. To cancel any filter, click on the delete icon next to the filter.
You can start a quick search by typing filters' names in the field at the top of a drop-down menu with filters.

ServiceSelect a service for rates analysis. Default is calls
Dst Code

Specify a code of the needed destination


If a vendor does not have a Rate for the specified longer Dst Code, it would be simulated from an existing shorter one.

Dst Code NameDefine a code name of the desired destination
ClientsIndicate termination clients for analysis

Indicate termination accounts for analysis

Rate Table

Define rate tables for analysis

Additional Filters

Master Source

Master - TableSpecify a rate table that all other rates will be compared to
Master - ClientSpecify an origination client that all other rates will be compared to
Master - AccountSpecify an origination account that all other rates will be compared to
Rate Filters
Dst Code CountryEnter the name of the respective country
Rate Table TagsIndicate a tag, which relates to specific ratesRate Tables
Actual on

Define the date, when the rates should be effective on


Applies both to Effective Date and Time Profile.

Volume IntervalSpecify the number of days of statistics that would be taken for analysis

This information block contains settings of the report output data.

Click the plus  icon next to Columns and select the required columns to add them to the Output information block. Also, you can cancel any chosen item.

Accessible columns in the report

The list of additional columns include:

  • Sources Volume - calculated based on Summary Report.
  • Sources Quality - calculated based on Summary Report. Quality parameters for traffic - ASR and ACD -  are available per row.
  • Master Volume - calculated based on Orig-Term report. 
  • Master Profit - calculated based on Orig-Term report. The relative and absolute Profit is displayed per destination.
  • Master Routes - shows how many accepted routes there are according to the Routing Plan on the selected master entity. When clicked, prompts you to the Routing Analysis for the respective case.

A master filter must be selected for any master-related output columns.


By default, the system takes statistics for the last 7 days. You can alter this value by specifying a Volume Interval filter. 

Order bySelect parameters to sort already grouped data in columns. Here you can sort data from highest to lowest values (or vice versa) and select different values

Choose a format of the report from a drop-down list: 

  • Web
  • CSV
  • Excel XLSx

If CSV or Excel XLSx type has been selected, an additional Send to field will be displayed. In this field, you can specify emails of the clients, to which the current report in the selected format will be sent.


Specify the currency of the report. All values will be automatically converted to the specified currency in the report

Dst Code Deck

Select a code deck from a drop-down list. All codes in the following report will be presented according to the specified code deck


(warning)   Attention

This field is not mandatory by default. However, it is required if you have any destination name-related filters and/or Group by Code Name.

Group by

Select a grouping option from the following list:

  • Dst Code - aggregation by default output
  • Dst Code Name - grouping by rate rows with the same names and rates for all codes in each rate table

This option is intended to simplify grouping, the system will automatically group data in specified columns. If certain termination entities will have different prices within the same Code Name, the rows will be displayed separately.


Screenshot: Rates Analysis section output

To see the see the user's nametime/date, when a report was generated, and Duration, hover over the Info Image Modified icon above the report on the right.

Screenshot: Info icon


The Rates Analysis 2.0 output may display a (warning) icon next to the Rate value to alert of changes in the following parameters of a Rate:

  • Rate value
  • Min Volume
  • Interval
  • Grace Volume
  • Setup Fee

You can see the details of the respective warning if the output is grouped by Code.

titleNote for blocked destinations
  • The margins cannot be calculated for a blocked destination, so, in the output, they are omitted;
  • If the Master Source has a blocked Rate, margin calculation works between sources (as for missing Rates).
