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Rates Analysis Form


Screenshot: Rates Analysis section

Creating a New Analysis Report 

To analyze and compare different rates, you need to fill in the form with the next parameters:

Information blockBlockField Description

On the Filters menu, select required parameters for the report. To cancel any filter, click on the delete sign next icon next to the filter.
You can start a quick search by typing filters' names in the field at the top of a drop-down menu with filters.


Choose the form of the rate analysis report for data display. Please note that this field is mandatory and should be filled in to make a report.

  • Rates comparison - compares rates in general and particular rates , assigned to certain Clients and Accounts.
  • Least costs list - shows the cheapest rate for each code in a particular rate table
ServiceSelect a service for rates analysis
OriginatorsSpecify origination clients for analysis.
TerminatorsIndicate termination clients for analysis
Rate TablesDefine rate tables for analysis.
Group Byby

Select a grouping option from the following list:

  • Dst Code - aggregation by default output.
  • Dst Code Name - grouping by rate rows with the same names and rates for all codes in each rate table.

This option is intended to simply simplify grouping option, the system will automatically group data in specified columns.

Additional Filters

The accessible additional filters are:

  • Events: Dst Code, Dst Code Name, Code Country Name
  • Extras: Actual On, Master Table, Lowest Position, Get Margins For, Tag, Rate Age
Events settings
Dst CodeSpecify a code of needed destination.
Dst Code NameDefine a code name of the desired destination.
Code Country NameEnter a code name of the respective country.
Extra settings
Actual onDefine the Effective Date of rates.
Master Table

Specify a rate table that all other rates table rate tables will be compared to.


(warning)   Attention

Please note that this field is active only during rate tables analysis

Lowest PositionEnter the number of the position from the full list of rates. For example, if you are looking for the cheapest destination in the several rates, type 1 in this field. Please note that this feature only works with the Master Table option.
TagIndicate a tag, which retales relates to a specified rate table
Get margins forDefine a rate table, from which the respective margins will be taken from. It is used to analyze margins.
Rate ageSpecify the number of days

This information block contains settings of the report output data.


Choose a format of the report from a drop-down list: 

  • Web
  • CSV
  • Excel XLS
  • Excel XLSx

If CSV, Excel XLS or Excel XLSx type has been selected, an additional Send to field will be displayed. In this field, you can specify emails of the clients, where to which the current report in the selected format will be sent to.


Specify a currency of the report. All values will be automatically converted in the report to the specified currencyin the report.

Code Deck

Select a code deck from a drop-down list. All codes in the following report will be presented according to the specified code deck.

Simulate long codes check box checkbox

 Check if a rate table does not have codes, which are presented in other tables for simulating them using shorter codes.


(warning)   Attention

If you check the Simulate long codes check box checkbox, the system will try to simulate the longest available code with the shorter one. For example, we analyze two rate tables, one of which has code 380, and the other has 380 and 38044 codes.
When the mentioned check box checkbox is active, the first rate table will have unavailable 38044 code simulated with the price of available 380. Rates like these have have the 
Simulated label when you hover the mouse pointer over them and are colored in light-red, light-green and grey respectively.

After pressing  clicking the Query button, the system will form a list of rates with prices for each destination. The highest rate available for the destination is colored in red, the lowest – in green, and middle rates are colored in black.


Also, there is a possibility to select all values in the Rates Analysis form for next fields the following fieldsRate tables, Originators, Terminators.

Screenshot: Rates Analysis section

By clicking onthe Info  icon above the report on the right,  the user's name and time/date, when a report was generated, will be displayed in a pop-up window.

Screenshot: Info icon

Creating a New Template

Also, you can create a template and save specified parameters by clicking parameters by clicking the Save Query button.  A pop-up window with settings will appear, where you need to fill out the following form:


Rates AnalysisHere you can specify parameters for the template that will be used while running reports
TitleSpecify a name of the template
ResellerIndicate a Reseller for the report template

It allows controlling visibility of respective reports templates. You can set up whether you want to keep templates private or leave them visible for users under a specified Reseller. 

To enable this option, select one parameter from the drop-down list:

  • Public - available for users according to the settings of the Reseller field.
  • Private - accessible strictly for creator.

This tool allows to automatically generate the report automatically at the appropriate time and send the results to the list of emails.


(warning)   Attention

Please note that this tool is not available for Web output type, only for CSV/Excel XLS/Excel XLSx

RecipientsSpecify recipients, you . You can indicate your own email, or other users of the system, or even 3rd parties
Run TimeIndicate an appropriate time to automatically generate a report automatically, it could be several times, for example: 10:00, 12:00, 18:00
Days of WeekIndicate days of the week to automatically generate a report automatically. For example, you can run a report only on Monday or each day of the week.
Report Query

Here you need to check filters and the output type. These values will be pre-selected by default according to the formed rate analysis query.

After a template has been created, a new Load Query button will be added to the section. By pressing clicking it, you can choose from select report settings to be filled in from a list of templates for rates analysis a report to be displayed.

Export generated report

You can export report data either in .xls file or .csv that would contain currently presented data. Press  Click the Export to XLSx or Export to CSV button to download a file of the respective format.