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Section overview

Rates Generator is a tool aimed at making rates management more flexible and versatile by allowing setting up specific rules that will be applied to codes and rate tables in general. Additionally, it allows both generating a new rate table for vendors or updating new ones. Section The section is presented in a the form of a table with the following columns:

Screenshot: Rates Generator form

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IDIdentification number of a rates generator
NameName of a rates generator
CompanyName of a reseller, whom a rates generator belongs to
DescriptionAdditional information about a rates generator

Functional buttons/icons, presented in the section, are as follows:


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Allows creating
new rates generator

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Allows downloading rate table with rates generator rules in .csv or .xls formats
a new rates generator

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Allows deleting a rates generator from the system

Creating New Rates Generator

In order to To create a new rates generator, you need to press click the New Rates Generator button and a pop-up creation form will appear. It consists of of general settings  and additional ones settings. The list of general settings include includes the following fields:

Screenshot: General settings

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NameSpecify the name of a new rates generator
ResellerSelect the reseller, to whom a newly created rates generator should belong
ServiceChoose the service to be applied for the respective rates generator (calls, smsSMSs, data, etc.).
Dst Code DeckSelect the code deck that will be used to name destination codes in a new price list if the Adjust Results option is checkedenabled
CurrencySpecify the currency of rates in a new price list
DescriptionAdditional information about a current rates generator

To refine your results, you can use the following additional criteria:

Optimization Options

 ScreenshotScreenshot:  Rates Rates Generator form/ Optimization sub-panelcheckbox

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Vertical For instance, you have USA code name that consists of 5 following codes: 120, 1201, 1202, 120345, 120456 with 1, 1.05, 0.98, 1.5, 0.6 USD rates, respectively.

Then you need to specify the Target < Parent and Target > Parent fields: let's say 10% for each field. Parent code is the shortest sub-code within a Code Name (e.g. 120 is a sub-code for 1202, 1203, 1205 but not for 121, 1222, etc.). Thus, the boundaries for vertical optimization are 0.9 USD and 1.1 USD with parent's code rate of 1 USD. As a result, 1201 and 1202 codes will be merged into 120 code since they are located within the specified interval. On the other hand, 120345 and 120456 codes will remain unchanged.The resulting rate table with vartical optimization will have the following look:






For instance, you have USA code name that consists of 5 following codes: 120,120345,120456 with 1, 14, 15 rates, respectively.

Then you need to specify the Target < Parent and Target > Parent with 5% and 10%. For this type of optimization, system will check each code that matches the optimization rule (be of the same lenght) as a parent one. In our case, 120345 and 120456 will be checked. For . Therefore, boundaries for 120345 code will be 13.3 USD and 15.4 USD. Since 120456 code has 15 USD rate that matches the interval, its rate will be changed to 14 USD. As a result, the generated rate table will have the following look.




Information blockBlockDescription
Simple OptimizationSimplify ModeIt allows applying the same price for all codes inside the same code name by using three options.:
  • min
minimal minimum available price.
  • max
maximal maximum available price.
  • avg
average price of all available.

For instance, if the USA code name consists of 3 codes with 1, 5, and 6 USD rates, respectively, depending on a chosen option, the results will be:

CodeSource Rate




Result Rate for minResult Rate for maxResult Rate for avg


Codes Optimization checkbox

This option allows replacing longer codes by the shorter ones within a Code Name.

Target < Parent

If a current rate is less of an entered percent, then it will be optimized. The longest codes will be merged to shorter codes within the same code name.

Target > Parent

If a current rate price is above an entered percent, then it will be optimized. The longest codes will be merged to shorter codes within the same code name.

ExampleSource CodeSource RateTarget < ParentTarget > ParentResult CodeResult Rate12011201
Horizontal Optimization

This option allows applying the same rate to codes of same lengths within a Code Name.

Target < Parent

If a current rate price is less of an entered percent, then it will be optimized. The price will be set for all codes with the same length within a respective code name.

Target > Parent

If a current rate price is above an entered percent, then it will be optimized. The price will be set for all codes with the same length within a respective code name.
ExampleSource CodeSource RateTarget < ParentTarget > ParentResult CodeResult Rate12011201

(warning)   Attention

Please be advised that we don't recommend to use all types of optimization within one rates generator. Simple optimization is designed to work solely, thus, no other type will work, if simple optimization is enabled. However, you can enable verical and horizontal optmization within the same rates generator. Nevertheless, we recommend to enable only type of optimization per rates generator.

Adjust Options

compressing an imported code range. For example, 4400-4409 will be shortened to 440. At the same time, 4400-4491 will be shortened to 440, ..., 448, 4490, 4491.

Adjust Options

The Adjust Results section enables results adjusting by data from a Adjust Results checkbox enables results adjusting by data from currently selected Code Deck. It means that the number of codes in your source rate table (specified in rules after a new rates generator is created) must be equal to the number of codes in your Code Deck. If your Code Deck has only 5 codes, but a rate table has 10, those extra codes, that are not specified in a selected Code Deck, will be removed from a generated rate table. On the other hand, if your Code Deck has 15 codes, but a rate table has only 5, 10 extra codes will be added to a generated rate table with parameters, specified in this information block. A detailed example is provided in the table below.

Screenshot:  Adjust Results information block

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TagSpecify a tag that will be applied to new rates, if such were created by a rates generator. Let's leave the default @ tag
PolicySelect the policy (regular or additive) that will be applied to code(s), present presented in a code deck, but not in a source rate table. For example, Regular policy
RateDefine a rate for code(s) codes, which are present in a code deck but missing in a rule's source rate table. For example, 7.5 USD
Setup FeeDefine a setup fee for a new rate(s). For example, 8 USD
Min VolumeIndicate minimum volume for a new rate(s). 6 sec, for instance
IntervalSpecify the interval for a new rate(s). For example, 2 sec
Grace VolumeDetermine grace volume for those rates. For example, 2 sec
Time ProfileDefine a time profile for a new rate(s). For instance, leave the default all time profile

Let's say our DEFAULT code deck contains 5 codes: 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1205. But our source rate table comprises of has 4 codes: 1201, 1202, 1203, and 1205. If you enable in the Adjust Results and you specify the above-mentioned fields with respective parameters, a new rate rabletable, created by a rates generator, will consist of 5 codes: 1201,1202, 1203, 1205 with their original parameters and a new 1204 code with the following ones (see screenshot above):

Code NameAccording to DEFAULT code deck
Setup Fee8
Min Volume6
Grace Volume2
Time Profileall time

If a source rate table misses more than 1 code from the selected code deck, all added codes will havethe identical parameters, specified in the respective fields above.



(warning)(warning)   Attention

Please note, if you enable Adjust Results option but don'y t specify the Rate field in the Adjust Results option, new rates for missing codes won't be added to a new rate table

Advanced & Quality Options

Screenshot: Advanced and Quality Options information block

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The Advanced Options information block is designed to resolve cases when rates generator rules are created for different source rate tables that share certain identical codes. By specifying the following fields, you can configure what will the rate system will use for these codes:

Screenshot: Advanced Options information block

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Detect fakeFakeEnable detection of fake rates if at least a specified number of rates is present in all source rate table, specified in generator rules.
Skip distanceDistanceA percentage value of the difference between the average rate value and a particular rate from all rates, used for the Detect Fake operation.
Rate positionPosition

Define what rate from a total amount of rates left after Detect Fake operation will be used for a certain code.

Rate Rates are ordered from the chepaest cheapest to the most expensive. Thus, thus, if you specify 1, The system will use the cheapest rate, if 2 - the second cheapest, and so on.


Let's say we have 4 rules in our rates generator, each with a different source rate table. Each rate table has a rate for the 1201 code, but with difference different prices in USD:

Rate Table NameRate
RT 10.98
RT 20.2
RT 31.1
RT 41.7

In Advanced Options of rates generator settings, we've specified values, seen on in the screenshot above. It means that the system will pick all 4 rates for the 1201 code and execute the following actions:

  1. Count an average rate for all 4 rates that equals 0.99 USD.
  2. Count the interval of 15% for an average rate of 0.99 USD that is between 0.85 USD and 1.13 USD. Then, the system will compare all rates and skip 1.7 USD rate from RT 4 and 0.2. USD rate from RT 2.
  3. Since the Rate position field value is 2, the system will pick the second cheapest rate for this code that is 1.1 from RT 3 and apply it as a basic rate for 1201 code in a new rate table, created by a rates generator.

The Quality Options


Quality Options information block contains additional parameters for a more precise rate generation, based on the Summary Report. System The system will analyze the report taking into account a specified time interval, specified in a report, minimum event value for codes, specified in generator rules, as well replace rate values for unmatched codes, and will generate a new rate table or update an exisiting one existing one including these parameters. Information The information block consists of the following fields:


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PeriodDefine a number of hours to analyze the Summary Report for. For example, 24 hours
min volume
Min VolumeDefine a minimum event volume for
certain code. For example, 60 min for the Calls service
PriceDefine a price for all codes
that do not satisfy quality parameters (Code
min volume
Min Volume value)
. For example, 100 USD

For example, you created a new rates generator and set up 3 rules for the following codes: 1201, 1202, 1205 with 1.5, 2.5, and 5.5 USD rates, respectively. In the Quality options, the respective parameters are the same as


indicated in


an example (see screenshot above). If you

press either Generate To file,

click Create Rate Table or Update Rate Table


buttons on May


16th, at,

for example, 15.

i.e., 3:25 PM, the rates generator will run a Summary Report with the following parameters:

Field Value
PeriodMay 15, 15.25 PM - May 16,
3:25 PM
Code1201, 1202, 1205
Total Volume60

Subsequently, a report showed that the billed volume for 1201 code is 79 mins, 1202 - 49 mins, and 1205 - 61 mins. As a result, a newly generated rate table will contain the following data:

CodeOld Rate




New Rate


(warning)(warning)   Attention

If you want to use Quality Options for Rates Generator, you have to define a Terminator as a Source for a Rates Generator's rule.

Rules List Tab

When your rates generator has been created, you need to specify its rules. The Rules List tab consists of all rules, created for a target rates generator and is presented in a the form of a table with the following columns:

Screenshot: Rules List Tab

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Rates FilterCode or Code Name, used in this rule
SourcesRate Tables or Terminators Names that
serves a source
serve as sources for this rule
Amount of margin that will be applied to a rate if specified margin parameters are met
Force Rates Settings
Additional information on a rate: Setup
Fee, Grace Volume, etc.

List of functional buttons, presented in the tab, includes:


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Allows creating new generator rules

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Allows downloading a new rate table in .csv or .xls formats

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Allows creating a new rate table with data from respective rules that will be added to the Rate Tables section

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Allows updating a target rate table(s) with data from respective rules

You can  can change an order of rules with the help of theicon. Simply click on it and drag-and-drop it to a the desired place.

Creating New Rules

In order to To create a new rule, you need to pressclick the Add Rule button. In the opened creation form (see screenshot below) specified , specify the respective fields and click OK. A new rule will be added at the top of the Rules List tab:

Screenshot: New rule creation form

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Information blockBlockFields and Description
Rates Filter

Basic parameters of a new rule
  • Code
Indicate a code for a current rule. Use the (asterisk) symbol for all codes. If a code is specified, the Code Name field is inactive and vice versa
  • Code Name
Specify a respective Code Name for this rule
  • Time Profile
Select a time profile for codes that will be picked from sources 
  • Tag
Specify a tag for a current code of a rule 
  • Policy
Choose a respective policy (regular/additive)
Quality Filter

Set quality parameters of your rule here


(warning)(warning)   Attention

Please be advised that these parameters work in combination with Quality Options in generator settings. It means that if ASR% ASR, % is set to 85-95, when a rates generator creates a Summary Report, it will analyze codes not only by their volumes, indicated in the Code min volumeMin Volume field, but also if their ASR complies with the value, indicated in the ASR, % field. The same behaviour behavior is expected for the specified ACD, min field


  • ASR, %
Specify ASR ranges for target code that are checked in a Summary Report by the rates generator
  • ACD, min
Specify ASR ACD ranges for target code that are checked in a Summary Report by the rates generator
Force Rates Settings

Specify additional parameters that must be noted when picking destinations from sources:

  • Setup Fee
  • Min. Volume
  • Interval
  • Grace Volume
  • Time Profile

Select one or multiple sources for picking data for a new price list

  • Rate Tables

Specify source rate tables

  • Terminators
Specify a vendors (termination clients) for this rule
  • Terminators Tags
Specify vendors' tags for this rule

By clicking on the icon, you can add a margin to a respective rate.

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If the rate for indicate an indicated code is within the ranges range of rates, defined in the Rate> and Rate≤ fields, a margin (specified in respective currency or %) will be applied to this rate. Add the % symbol to the Add Margin field value to indicate that a margin is in percent.


(warning)   Attention

Rates Generator generates stashed rates that must be confirmed. When you confirm rates and there are duplicate active rates, it changes the status of an active rate to stashed and a new confirmed rate (created by rates generator) becomes active.  You can confirm rates in the Rate Tables section

Section rules abide by the following priority: the top placed rule is picked first, and if some of the lower priority rules are able to provide the same codes, those codes will be ignored.

