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titleIn this article
Table of Contents

Section overview

Invoices templatesTemplates is a convenient tool that makes the whole process of invoicing less time consuming and much more convenient and effective. It allows you to create custom invoice templates that would address your particular needs. Section The section is presented in a the form of a table of invoices templates with the following columns (see screenshot below): 

Screenshot: Invoices Templates section main window

Column NameDescription
IDInvoice template's identification number
NameName of an invoice template
TypeType of an invoice template format (.pdf/.xls)
ResellerList of resellers corresponding invoice template was assigned to
NotesAdditional information on a template

Functional buttons/icons, presented in the section, are as follows:


Image Modified

to create
creating a new invoice template in .pdf format

Image Modified

to create
creating a new invoice template in .xls format

Image Modified

to delete
deleting an invoice template from the system

Creating a New Invoice Template

When creating a new template, you need to choose its type. Currently, there are two types – .xls and .pdfFor creating a new template, click the respective button: New XLS Template or New PDF Template


SectionFields Description
General Information


General information about the invoice template
  • Name
Unique name to differentiate invoice templates
  • Reseller
Reseller who owns this invoice template
  • Anonymized Codes
Code Deck, whose codes and their respective names will be hidden in the invoice
  • Locale
Language for the text representation of totals in the invoice
  • Totals Calculation

The order of rounding while calculating the totals:

  • round then sum- raw values are rounded first according to the currency settings, then are summed;
  • sum then round - raw values are summed first, then are rounded.
  • Taxes Calculation

The way taxes will be calculated:

  • percent from total amount - taxes are calculated as a percentage from the total amount;
  • sum of individual taxes- taxes are calculated as a sum of respective taxes.
  • Attach xDRs list to the invoice checkbox

If enabled, creates an xDR file for invoicing period and attaches it to the invoice. To view advanced settings, click on the icon next to its name.

  • xDRs List Format
List of xDR file format (.csv, .xlsx or.xls)
  • Included Calls

Types of calls that will be included in invoices:

  • All payable - includes calls with any duration that have non-zero costs and use packages
  • Non-zero payable - permits including calls with non-zero duration that either have any cost or use packages. 
  • Select Columns
List of columns which can be presented in the attached xDR file
  • Notes
Additional information concerning the invoice template
Excel Template ParametersSettings of an invoice template
  • Statistics Columns
List of statistics columns. If selected, the invoice will include summary statistics with selected columns
  • Include packages charges to invoice checkbox
If enabled, the invoice will include the data on ordered packages into a current invoice for the selected period
  • Template
Defined displaying format of xDRs list in a template




 When you select a Non-zero payable parameter in the Attached CDRs xDRs list to the invoice advanced settings, then: 

1) created outgoing Invoice for Client will have attached xDRs file with:

  • incoming/outcoming outgoing non-free calls that should be paid by the Client
  • outcoming outgoing free calls with non-zero duration
  • outcoming outgoing free calls by package volume limits with non-zero duration

2) created incoming Invoice for Client will have attached xDRs file with:

  • incoming/outcoming outgoing non-free calls that should be paid to the Client
  • incoming free calls with non-zero duration
  • incoming free calls by package volume limits with non-zero duration (it's applicable in case of usage of termination limits)



(warning)   Attention

  • xDRs table of the created invoice displays calls according to the settings of Attach CDR's xDRs list to the invoices settings.
  • Stats table of the created Invoice shows calls included in the xDRs table.


Screenshot: New PDF invoice template creation form

The process of creating a new PDF invoice template is devided into divided into the following steps:

  1. Add a table to your workspace, right-click on it, choose Table Properties, and define the Classfield (stats, xDRs, packages, suretax_items, custom) in the General tab;

  2. Fill a table with relevant information, which should be present in invoice invoices by using functional variables, which you can pick from a list provided in the same window on the right drop-down panels; 

  3. After an invoice template is created, fill in its Name and other fields in the General Information section, then press click OK;

  4. Go to Management > Resellers and in select your invoice template in reseller's properties select your invoice template. This It will insure ensure that all customers of this reseller will be using this template;

  5. When creating an invoice in Management > Invoices, you can use an invoice template prior to generating an invoice. JeraSoft VCS Billing includes several default  default .pdf templates, called default and default extended. 


(warning)   Attention

Please note:

  • You can select the Time formatFormat (H:M:S) or (M:S) while creating a new invoice template. The default format is in minutes (M).
  • There is a package arrangement by numbers in Invoices and Invoices Templates. While generating invoices, the system sorts packages in invoices. The names of packages could include numerical symbols. Please use numerical symbols as 001 name, 002 name, etc. in names of packages. Moreover, it's advisable to avoid names with special symbols like %001 name, -001 name.


(warning)   Attention

In VCS 3.16.0.:

  1. Taxes Table group of functional variables to display collected taxes in an invoice has been added. Taxes Table consists of the following variables:
    • {name} - Tax name
    • {value} - Tax value in percentspercent
    • {effective_from} - Tax effective from date
    • {amount} - Tax amount
  2.  New default with taxes details template with included Taxes Table functional variables has been added to the section.

Method of Calculating and Rounding Values 



To help you avoid rounding issues with float numbers and missing cents, check out our Best practice example or read about round half to even algorithm, applied in the system, here.
