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titleIn this article
Table of Contents

Section overview

Since keeping track of all events that occur in the system is crucial, JeraSoft Billing offers you the Events Log section where you can view information regarding all errors, alerts, and messages, as well as configure the rules for email notifications sending. The section is divided into two tabs: Events Log and Configuration.

Events Log tab

Information in the tab is presented in the form of a list of all events recorded by the system. For example, the system records the following events:

  • incoming or outgoing events of the client that are not registered within the system;

  • number prefixes that are not registered within the system;

  • incoming call prices that are higher than outgoing ones;

  • incoming or outgoing calls that were rejected and others.

Tab structure is presented in the screenshot below:

Screenshot: Events Log tab

Column NameDescription
IDIdentification number of the event
TypeCategory of the event in the system (error, alert, ormessage)
SenderName of the system service that sent the event
DateDate and time when the event occurred
MessageDescription of the event
TagsTags that might have been added to the event

Functional buttons/icons, presented in the tab, are as follows:


Allows to filter the list of events by errors

Allows to filter the list of events by alerts

Allows to filter the list of events by messages

Allows to view a detailed description of the event (if possible)

Advanced Search

You can find the build-in Advanced Search drop-down menu that provides an easy way of navigation between multiple columns of the table. Click a blue downward arrow  icon to open a menu with the following fields: 

Screenshot: Advanced Search drop-down menu

SenderSelect a respective sender from the given list. By default, the field value is All.
TagsSelect one or multiple tags from the provided list. By default, the field value is All.

Specify a type of event: error, alert, ormessage. By default, the field value is All.

Period, from:

When search settings are applied, only events whose Date value Period, from value will be displayed

Period, to:When search settings are applied, only events whose Date value ≤ Period, to value will be displayed

When all search criteria have been set, click the Search button to apply them. Click Reset to cancel the applied search.

Detailed Description of the Event

You can view detailed descriptions of some events by clicking the  icon opposite a respective event on the right. A pop-up window consists of Title and Event Description (see screenshot below):

Screenshot: Detailed description of the event

Configuration Tab

In the Configuration tab, you can create rules for email notifications about respective events within the system. The main window represents a set of rules, presented in the form of a table (screenshot below):

Screenshot: Configuration tab

Column NameDescription
IDIdentification number of the rule
TitleName of the rule
EmailsList of recipients' email addresses
FiltersList of services and types of events added to the respective rule
Group LimitNumber of messages allowed to be sent separately

Functional buttons/icons, presented in the tab, are as follows:


Allows to add a new rule for email notifications

Allows to delete an email notification rule

Adding a new rule

For adding a new rule to the system, you need to click the Add Rule button. Following this, Event Log pop-up window will show up with respective settings (shown below): 

Screenshot: Event Log pop-up window

Information BlockFieldDescription
General General information block consists of the following fields:

TitleName of the rule that will be put into the subject of the message
EmailsEmail addresses of the recipient
Group Limit

The boundary to control the number of messages to be sent. If there are more messages available for delivery within one monitoring cycle than the specified value, they will be sent as a single email (set 0 to get all messages separately, or an ultimate high value to receive grouped messages).

Details Limit

Data will be limited and cut to a specified number of characters in the grouped messages. By default, the field value is set to 300.


Fill in this information block to make your rule more detailed and precise.


Specify billing services that will be included in this event rules.

List of available services:

  • Backup Manager;
  • Balances Manager;
  • Cache Manager;
  • Calculator;
  • Calling Cards Manager;
  • Cleaner;
  • Email Rates Manager;
  • Dynamic Routing Manager;
  • Events Manager;
  • Factors Watcher;
  • Files Collector;
  • Files Downloader;
  • Files Upload Service;
  • Import Manager;
  • Invoicing Manager;
  • JSON-RPC Core API;
  • Log Rotator;
  • Jurisdiction Manager;
  • Mail Manager;
  • Notificator;
  • Packages Manager;
  • Payment Gateways;
  • Provisioning Manager;
  • RADIUS Server;
  • Rates Generator;
  • Rates Notificator;
  • Orig-Term Report Generator;
  • Reports Watcher;
  • SIP Redirect Server;
  • Statistics Manager;
  • Statistic meta info manager;
  • Swap Deals Manager;
  • System Services;
  • Traffic Rules Manager;
  • Web.
TypesSpecify the category of events for the rule: errors, messages, alerts

Set labels that will be applied to filter the rule.

List of the available tags:

  • aaa - includes all accounting tags:
    aaa.fraud; aaa.ident; aaa.ident.client; aaa.ident.rate; aaa.ident.service; aaa.routing; aaa.traffic_processing;
  • api - includes all API tags:
    api.core; api.core.jsonrpcd;; api.provisioning;
  • coreapi;
  • dids;
  • factors watcher;
  • packages - includes all package tags:
  • system- includes all system tags:
    system.cluster; system.config; system.database; system.license; system.mail; system.monitoring;;;
  • transactions - includes all transactions tags:
RegExp Match

Regular Expression Match option to filter rules. Use POSIX standart while specifying regular expressions

After clicking OK, a new rule will be added to the general list of the Configuration tab.