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You need to re-apply your settings after each JeraSoft Billing upgrade.

Development technologies

Functional customization

If you wish to tune panel in more details (for example add or remove features) you can just copy source code to another server and modify it. Do not modify code at default deployment location, otherwise all the changes made will be removed during the system upgrade.

The panel consists of two parts:

  • Frontend - responsible for the user interface (style, formatting and logic)
    • Development Stack: Angular, Bootstrap
    • Located at /opt/jerasoft/vcs/portal-frontend/
  • Backend - responsible for serving data between system API and Frontend
    • Development Stack: PHP/Yii2, Swagger
    • Located at /opt/jerasoft/vcs/portal-backend/

These both parts have to be copied to dedicated server if you would like make any modifications in how Client Panel looks and works. Both parts come Note that the Client Panel comes with all source code, and which you can use it as a reference guide or a starting point for your development or as a reference guide to develop your own developmentportal from scratch.

Feel free to modify the code, improve it or extend, build it into some other platforms. For example, you can update the menu, a panel view, edit a set of filters, modify grouping options or create your own panel by taking it as example of functional implementation.

The technologies used for the development of the Client Panel are: 

    1. PHP: Yii2

    2. JavaScript: Angular 2

    3. HTML/CSS: Bootstrap

    4. Tools: Swagger



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